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© Karl Fant 2006
A Critical Review of the Notion of the Algorithm in
Computer Science
Karl M. Fant
We first review the development of the notion of the algorithm as a fundamen-
tal paradigm of mathematics. We then suggest a definition of computer sci-
ence that distinguishes it from all other sciences and from mathematics.
Finally we argue that the conceptual concerns of computer science are quite
different from the conceptual concerns of mathematics and that the notion of
the algorithm is and has been an inappropriate and ineffective paradigm for
computer science.
1. Introduction
Computer science inherited its present conceptual foundations from a branch of
pure mathematics that, historically, had been exploring the fundamental nature of mathe-
matical computation since before the turn of the century. We will argue that the concep-
tual concerns of computer science are quite different from the conceptual concerns of
mathematics, and that this mathematical legacy, in particular the notion of the algorithm,
has been largely ineffective as a paradigm for computer science. It is first necessary to
understand the role of the algorithm in mathematics.
2. The Notion of the Algorithm in Mathematics
The notion of the algorithm is fundamental to mathematics. To understand the sig-
nificance of the notion to mathematics it is necessary to understand the history of its
development. The term itself derives from the name of an important ninth century Per-
sian mathematician named Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi, Who, in about 825
A.D., wrote a small book describing how to calculate with a new ten symbol, positional
value number system developed in India. It described simple procedures for carrying out
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the new system. Around 1120 this
small book was translated into Latin under the title Liber Algorismi de numero Indorum
(The Book of al-Khowarizmi on the Hindu number system). This translation was widely
distributed and introduced the Hindu-Arabic number system to Europe. By the mid thir-
teenth century al-Khowarizmi had been quite forgotten and the term algorism (Latin for
al-Kowarizmi's book) had come generally to refer to computation in the new number sys-
1. © ACM, 1993.This is a minor revision of the work: Karl Fant, "A Critical review of the Notion of the Algo-
rithm in Computer Science", Proceedings of the 21st Annual Computer Science Conference, February
1993, pp. 1-6.

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© Karl Fant 2006
tem. At this time an algorism was any book related to the subject. The algorisms were
the four arithmetic operations. An algorist was one who calculated in the new number
system as opposed to an abacist who used an abacus. By 1500 the algorists had pre-
vailed and the abacists had largely disappeared from Europe.
These algorisms were strictly mechanical procedures to manipulate symbols. They
could be carried out by an ignorant person mechanically following simple rules, with no
understanding of the theory of operation, requiring no cleverness and resulting in a cor-
rect answer. The same procedures are taught to grade school children today. Computing
with Roman numerals on the other hand required considerable skill and ingenuity. There
also existed at this time other examples of mechanical formulation such as Euclid's
method to find the greatest common denominator of two numbers. The fact that dumb
mechanical manipulations could produce significant and subtle computational results
fascinated the medieval mathematicians. They wondered if it was possible that the
whole of mathematics or even all of human knowledge could be mechanically formulated
and calculated with simple rules of symbol manipulation.
Leibniz attempted just such a formulation in the 1660s with his calculus ratiocinator
or characteristica universalis. The object was to "enable the truths of any science, when
formulated in the universal language, to be computed by arithmetical operations" [1].
Arithmetical here refers to the algorisms. Insight, ingenuity and imagination would no
longer be required in mathematics or science. Leibniz did not succeed and the idea lay
fallow for two hundred years.
During this period, Euclidian geometry, with its axioms and rules of reasoning from
the simple to the complex continued to reign as the fundamental paradigm of mathemat-
ics. In the 1680's, after the invention of analytical geometry and having made new dis-
coveries with his own invention of his fluxional calculus, Newton was careful to cast all
the mathematical demonstrations in his presentation of these new discoveries in
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica in classical Euclidian geometry. A symbolic
analytical presentation would neither have been understood nor accepted by his contem-
poraries. Geometry, which dealt with relationships among points, lines and surfaces, was
intuitive, obvious and real. Algebra, dealt with arbitrary symbols related by arbitrary rules
and did not relate to any specific reality.While algebra was practical and useful it was not
considered fit territory for fundamental theoretical consideration. Late into the nineteenth
century symbolic computation was distrusted and discounted.This attitude is exemplified
by a nineteenth century astronomer who remarked that he had not the "smallest confi-
dence in any result which is essentially obtained by the use of imaginary symbols" [2].
The dream of formalizing thought in terms of mechanical manipulation of symbols
reemerged with the symbolic logic of George Boole presented in his book Laws of
Thought in 1854. Boole argued persuasively that logic should be a part of mathematics
as opposed to its traditional role as a part of philosophy. Frege went several steps further
and suggested that not only should logic be a part of mathematics but that mathematics
should be founded on logic and began a program to derive all of mathematics in terms of
Meanwhile the paradigmatic edifice of Euclidian geometry was beginning to show
cracks with the discovery of non Euclidian geometries which were internally consistent
and therefore were just as valid mathematical systems as Euclidian geometry. Symbolic
computation achieved paradigmatic preeminence with the publication in 1899 of Hilbert's

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characterization of Euclidian geometry in terms of algebra, Grundlagen der Geometrie
(Foundations of Geometry) which emphasized the undefined nature of the axioms. "One
must be able to say at all times-instead of points, straight lines and planes- tables, chairs
and beer mugs" [3]. Euclidian geometry was after all just one of many possible axiom-
atic symbolic computation systems.
As the twentieth century dawned symbolic computation had been established as
the arena of mathematical theorizing and logical axiomatic systems provided the rules of
the game.The mathematicians were hot on the trail of settling the game once and for all.
They seemed to be on the verge of fulfilling Leibniz's dream of the universal symbolic
language that would proffer absolute certainty and truth.The quest was led by David Hil-
bert who outlined a program to settle once and for all the foundational issues of mathe-
matics.The program focused on the resolution of three questions.
1. Was mathematics complete in the sense that every statement could be proved or disproved?
2. Was mathematics consistent in the sense that no statement could be proved both true and false?
3. Was mathematics decidable in the sense that there existed a definite method to determine the
truth or falsity of any mathematical statement? [4]
The definite method of decidability in question 3 was the modern incarnation of
Leibniz's arithmetical operations on his universal symbolic language. Mechanical symbol
manipulation reemerges at the very foundations of theoretical mathematics.
Hilbert firmly believed that the answer to all three questions was 'yes', and the pro-
gram was simply one of tidying up loose ends. Hilbert was convinced that an unsolvable
mathematical problem did not exist, "every mathematical problem must necessarily be
susceptible to an exact statement, either in the form of an actual answer to the question
asked, or by the proof of the impossibility of its solution"[5].
In 1931 Kurt Godel demonstrated that any axiom system expressive enough to con-
tain arithmetic could not be both complete (there existed statements that could not be
proved either true or false) and consistent (free of contradictions) in the terms of the
axiom system. This result was the death knell for Hilbert's program. The answers to the
first two questions were no. There remained the question of decidability. The entsc-
heidungsproblem as Hilbert named it: the definite method of solving a mathematical
problem. After Godel proved that unsolvable problems (unprovable theorems) could exist
in an axiom system the decidability problem became a search for a definite method to
determine if a given problem was solvable or unsolvable in a given axiom system.
The decidability problem appealed directly to the notion of a definite method which
was also referred to as an effective procedure or a mechanical procedure. This notion
had always been fundamental to mathematics but had been intuitively accepted and had
not been a subject of investigation itself. One knows an effective procedure when one
sees one. But to demonstrate something about the nature of effective procedures there
must be a precise characterization of what constitutes an effective procedure.
Hilbert made it clear what constituted an acceptable mathematical solution in his
1900 paper posing 23 problems which he considered important to the future of mathe-
"that it shall be possible to establish the correctness of a solution by means of a finite number of steps

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based upon a finite number of hypotheses which are implied in the statement of the problem and
which must always be exactly formulated." [5, p. 275]
Satisfactorily characterizing this notion of effective or mechanical procedure
became an important foundational issue in mathematics and several mathematicians
applied themselves to the problem. Among them were Herbrand and Godel, Post, Turing,
Church and Markov. Each had a different characterization of effective computability
which were all shown later to be logically equivalent. In 1936 both Church with his
lambda calculus and Turing with his machine proved that no effective procedure existed
to determine the provability or unprovability of a given mathematical problem. The
answer to Hilberts third question was also no. Leibniz's calculus ratiocinator with its arith-
metical resolution of all questions was not possible. Ingenuity, insight and imagination
cannot be done away with in mathematics after all.
In spite of the failure of Hilbert’s program, questions of effective computability have
continued to be a fundamental concern of mathematicians. Through the 40s and 50s A.
A. Markov tried to consolidate all the work of the others on effective computability and
introduced the term algorithm with its modern meaning as a name for his own theory of
effectively computable functions. In the translated first sentence of his 1954 book Teoriya
Algorifmov (Theory of Algorithms) he states;
"In mathematics, "algorithm" is commonly understood to be an exact prescription, defining a computa-
tional process, leading from various initial data to the desired result." [6]
The term algorithm was not, apparently, a commonly used mathematical term in
America or Europe before Markov, a Russian, introduced it. None of the other investiga-
tors, Herbrand and Godel, Post, Turing or Church used the term. The term however
caught on very quickly in the computing community. In 1958 a new programming lan-
guage was named ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language). In 1960 a new department of the
Communications of the ACM was introduced called "Algorithms". [7]
Historically the notion of the algorithm was developed to investigate the foundations
of mathematics and has evolved in relation to the needs of mathematicians.The notion of
the algorithm in mathematics is a limiting definition of what constitutes an acceptable
solution to a mathematical problem. It establishes the ground rules of mathematics.
3. The Advent of Computers
The electronic digital computer emerged in 1945. It computed one step at a time,
was by practical necessity limited to a finite number of steps and was limited to a finite
number of exactly formulated hypotheses (instructions). The electronic digital computer
was an incarnation of the mathematician’s effective solution procedure. The mathemati-
cians, being intimately involved with the creation of the computer, having studied
mechanical computation for half a century, and having in hand an explicitly mechanical
model of computation in the Turing machine, quite reasonably became the defacto theo-
rists for this new phenomenon. One of these mathematicians, John Von Neumann, was a
student of Hilbert's and a significant contributor to his program to resolve the foundations
of mathematics. Another was of course Turing himself. The related mathematical con-

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© Karl Fant 2006
cepts along with the notion of the algorithm were transplanted into the fledgling science
of computers.
The notion of the algorithm is accepted today as a fundamental paradigm of com-
puter science.
"The notion of the algorithm is basic to all computer programming..." [8]
"One of the concepts most central to computer science is that of an algorithm." [9]
To appreciate the role of the notion of the algorithm in computer science it is neces-
sary first to characterize computer science.
4. Computer Science
Many attempts have been made to define computer science [10,11,12,13,14]. All
of these definitions view computer science as a heterogeneous group of disciplines
related to the creation, use and study of computers. A typical definition simply offers a list
of included topics such as: computability, complexity, algorithm theory, automata theory,
programming, high level languages, machine languages, architecture, circuit design,
switching theory, system organization, numerical mathematics, artificial intelligence,
other applications, and so forth. The most recent and comprehensive survey of the
attempts to define computer science is an article in the Annals of the History of Comput-
ing [15].
Computer science appears to consist of a quite disparate collection of disciplines,
but there is a common thread of conceptual focus running through the various disciplines
of computer science. All of the disciplines that are included under the heading of com-
puter science in any list are concerned in one way or another with the creation of or actu-
alization of process expressions. A logic circuit is an expression of a logical process. An
architecture is an expression of a continuously acting process to interpret symbolically
expressed processes. A program is a symbolic expression of a process. A programming
language is an environment within which to create symbolic process expressions. A
compiler is an expression of a process that translates between symbolic process expres-
sions in different languages. An operating system is an expression of a process that
manages the interpretation of other process expressions. Any application is an expres-
sion of the application process.
Computer science can be viewed as primarily concerned with questions about the
expression of processes and the actualization of those expressions.What are all the pos-
sible ways a process can be expressed? Are some expressions superior in any sense to
other expressions? What are all the possible ways of actualizing an expression. Are there
common conceptual elements underlying all expressions? What is the best programming
language? How can the best program be formulated? How can the best architecture be
built? What is the best implementation environment? These are the questions that
occupy computer scientists and they all revolve around the nature of process expression.
Mathematicians, on the other hand, are primarily interested in exploring the behav-
ior of specific processes or classes of process.They bypass general problems of expres-
sion by appealing to a very formal and minimalized model of expression; the algorithm as

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characterized by the Turing machine. They are only interested in whether an expression
is possible and whether it conforms to certain specific properties. The mathematicians
consider the process as independent of its expression. A process may be expressed in
any convenient language and executed on any convenient machine including a human
with a pencil.
Mathematics is primarily concerned with the nature of the behavior of process inde-
pendent of how that process is expressed.
The nature of a process is independent of its expression.
Computer science is primarily concerned with the nature of the expression of pro-
cesses regardless of what particular process might be expressed.
The nature of an expression is independent of its process.
There is much overlap between the interests of computer science and mathematics,
but this core concern with the nature of process expression itself is the unique concep-
tual focus that distinguishes computer science from the other sciences and from mathe-
matics. Computer science is the science of process expression. One published definition
of computer science comes near the mark.
“computer science itself becomes no more (and no less) than the discipline of constructing appropri-
ate descriptive languages.” [16]
5. The Algorithm in Computer Science
Introductory texts on computer science often begin with a chapter on the notion of
the algorithm declaring it the fundamental paradigm of computer science. Conspicuously
absent from these introductory chapters is a discussion of how the notion contributes to
the resolution of significant problems of computer science. In the remaining chapters of
these texts there is typically no further appeal to the notion of the algorithm and rarely
even a usage of the word itself. The notion is never or very rarely appealed to in texts on
logic design, computer architecture, operating systems, programming, software engi-
neering, programming languages, compilers, data structures and data base systems.
The notion of the algorithm is typically defined by simply presenting a list of proper-
ties that an expression must posses to qualify as an algorithm.The following definition of
an algorithm is typical.
1. An algorithm must be a step by step sequence of operations
2. Each operation must be precisely defined
3. An algorithm must terminate in a finite number of steps
4. An algorithm must effectively yield a correct solution
5. An algorithm must be deterministic in that given the same input it will always yield the same solu-

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This is pretty much what Hilbert proposed in 1900 and it is easy to see how this list
of restrictive characteristics serves to define what is acceptable as a mathematical solu-
tion, but what conceptual service does the notion of the algorithm perform for computer
The notion of the algorithm demarcates all expressions into algorithm and non-algo-
rithm but what purpose does it serve to know that one program is an acceptable mathe-
matical solution and another is not? Is the expression of one fundamentally different from
the expression of the other? Is one interpreted differently from the other? Are algorithms
first class citizens in some sense and non-algorithms second class citizens? Does deter-
mining whether a given expression is an acceptable mathematical solution or not aid in
building better computer systems or in writing better programs?
Important process expressions do not qualify as algorithms. A logic circuit is not a
sequence of operations. An operating system is not supposed to terminate nor does it
yield a singular solution. An operating system cannot be deterministic because it must
relate to uncoordinated inputs from the outside world. Any program utilizing random input
to carry out its process such as a monte carlo simulation or fuzzy logic simulation is not
an algorithm. No program with a bug can be an algorithm and it is generally accepted
that no significant program can be demonstrated to be bug free. Programs and comput-
ers that utilize concurrency where many operations are carried out simultaneously can-
not be considered algorithms. What does it mean when a sequential program qualifying
as an algorithm is parallelized by a vectorizing compiler, and no longer qualifies as an
While a digital computer appears to be an algorithmic machine, It is constructed of
non algorithmic parts (logic circuits) and a great deal of what it actually does is non algo-
rithmic. These difficulties with the notion of the algorithm have not gone unnoticed and a
variety of piecemeal amendments, revisions and redefinitions have been proposed.
"...there is an extension of the notion of algorithm (called nondeterministic algorithms)." [11, p. 16]
"Any computer program is at least a semi-algorithm and any program that always halts is an algo-
rithm." [17]
"There is another word for algorithm which obeys all of the above properties except termination and
that is computational procedure."[18]
"An algorithm A is a probabilistically good algorithm if the algorithm "almost always" generates either
an exact solution or a solution with a value that is "exceedingly close" to the value of the optimal solu-
tion." [19]
"The procedure becomes an algorithm if the Turing machine always halts". [20]
"By admitting probabilistic procedures in algorithms...." [21]
"...if, after executing some step, the control logic shifts to another step of the algorithm as dictated by
a random device (for example, coin tossing), we call the algorithm random algorithm." [22]
"An algorithm which is based on such convergence tests is called an infinite algorithm." [22]

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"Algorithms that are not direct are called indirect." [23]
"We drop the requirement that the algorithm stop and consider infinite algorithms". [23, p. 49]
These authors have sensed an inappropriate conceptual discrimination or simply an
incompleteness and proposed a remedy. Programs that do not terminate, are not deter-
ministic and do not give specific solutions can now be "included." They are no longer sim-
ply non-algorithmic, they now have positive labels, but simply assigning labels to non-
algorithms misses the point. The point is that algorithm - non algorithm is not a concep-
tual distinction that contributes to an understanding of process expression.
As a paradigm of process expression, the notion of the algorithm is decidedly defi-
cient. It offers no suggestion as to how an operation might be precisely defined. Nor does
it suggest how a sequence should be determined. Data is not even mentioned. It simply
states that an algorithm must consist of a sequence of precisely defined operations.This
unsupported imperative is at once an admission of expressional incompleteness and a
refusal to be complete. The other algorithmic properties of termination, correctness and
determination, while important to issues of computation, are quite irrelevant to issues of
process expression.
The notion of the algorithm simply does not provide conceptual enlightenment for
the questions that most computer scientists are concerned with.
6. Conclusion
What is essentially a discipline of pure mathematics has come to be called “the the-
ory of computer science” and the notion of the algorithm has been decreed to be a fun-
damental paradigm of computer science. The mathematical perspective, however, is the
wrong point of view. It is asking the wrong questions. Mathematicians and computer sci-
entists are pursuing fundamentally different aims and the mathematicians tools are not
as appropriate as once supposed to the questions of the computer scientist.The primary
questions of computer science are not of computational possibilities but of expressional
possibilities. Computer science does not need a theory of computation it needs a com-
prehensive theory of process expression.
Czeslaw Lejewski, "History of Logic," in Encyclopedia Britannica Macropaedia Vol. 11 (Chicago, Wil-
liam Benton, 1974) pp.56-72.
M. M. Garland, Cambridge Before Darwin (Cambridge, Cambridge University, 1980) p. 36.
Henry George Forder, Frederick Albert Valentine, "Euclidian Geometry," in Encyclopaedia Britan-
nica Macropedia Vol. 7 (Chicago, William Benton, 1974) pp. 1099-1112.
Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing the Enigma (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1983) p. 91.
David Hilbert, "Mathematical Problems," in Mathematics People Problems Results, ed. by Douglas
M. Campbell and John C. Higgins (Belmont, Cal., Wadsworth International, 1984) p. 277.
A. A. Markov, Theory of Algorithms (Jerusalem, Keter Press, 1971) translated by Schorr-Kon. p. 1.
J. H. Wegstein, "Algorithms," in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 3, No. 2, February 1960, p. 73.
Donald E. Knuth, Fundamental Algorithms (Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1969) p. 1.

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Zenon W. Pylyshyn, "Theoretical Ideas: Algorithms Automata and Cybernetics," in Perspectives on
the Computer Revolution, ed. by Zenon W. Pylyshyn (Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1970)
pp. 60-68.
[10] S. Amarel, "Computer Science," in Encyclopedia of Computer Science (1st ed. 1976),(New York,
Petrocelli/Carter, 1976) pp. 314-318.
[11] M.S. Carberry, H.M. Khalil, J.F. Leathrum and L.S. Levy, Foundations of Computer Science (Poto-
mac, MA, Computer Science Press, 1979) pp.2-4.
[12] J.M. Brady, The Theory of Computer Science (London, Chapman and Hall 1977) pp.8-9.
[13] A. Ralston, Introduction to Programming and Computer Science (New York, McGraw-Hill, 1971)
I. Pohl, A. Shaw, The Nature of Computation (Rockville, MA, Computer Science Press, 1981) pp. 3-
[15] Paul Ceruzzi, “Electronics Technology and Computer Science, 1940-1975: A Coevolution”, Annals of
the History of Computing, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1989, pp. 265-270.
[16] Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs (Cambridge Ma., MIT Press, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1985) p. 295.
[17] R.R. Korfhage, "Algorithm," in Encyclopedia of Computer Science (1st ed. 1976),(New York, Petro-
celli/Carter, 1976) p. 49.
[18] Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms (Potomac, Computer Sci-
ence Press, MA, 1979) pp. 1-2.
[19] Benjamin W. Wah, C. V. Ramamoorthy "Theory of Algorithms and Computation Complexity with
Applications to Software Design," in Handbook of Software Engineering, ed. by Charles R. Vick and
C.V. Ramamoorthy (New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984) p. 88.
[20] Kurt Maly, Allen R. Hanson, Fundamentals of the Computing Sciences (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Pren-
tice-Hall 1978) p. 41.
[21] F. S. Beckman, Mathematical Foundations of Programming (Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley,1980)
p. 398.
[22] E. V. Krishnamurthy, Introductory Theory of Computer Science (New York, Springer-Verlag, 1983) p.
[23] John K. Rice, John R. Rice, Introduction to Computer Science (New York, Holt, Rinehart and Win-
ston, 1969) p. 47.