Space InfoScan:
To start Java Applet
-click on image
(To bring up process menu: right click on Java image when
Applet is running)
Use left mouse button to select menu options
Use browser navigation buttons to close or leave the process
Programme Notes:
Space InfoScan is a modified
version of SpOb Demo which
introduced a two dimensional parametrical space. The
modification in Space InfoScan consists of the use
of an informational
"flag" to signal when a parameter
equals or exceeds the maximum or is equal or lower than the
minimum values permitted. This allows a incremental and
coordinated scan through the parameter space in either
dimension (i.e. giving precedence to either the X or the Y
As before, the internal
variables are also represented in graphic form.
As with the previous "Demos" a right mouse click on
the image area will make the control panel visible -so the
user may experiment with the variables presented in the
The menu options:
programme is running, right mouse click on the image area to
make the control panel visible)
(Set Process speed)
-allows the image production to to speeded up or slowed down
from 1 to 200 milliseconds
-gives the choice:
-allows the process to run
-allows the process to pause
(Set param increments)
"Val-A inc"
(range 0 ->
100) -Sets the A parameter
"Val-B inc"
(range 0 ->
100) -Sets the B parameter
(Set Upper Meta-Param
"Maxval-A inc" (range 0 ->
100) -Sets the A "maximum"
meta-parameter increment
"Minval-A inc"
(range 0 -> 100) -Sets the A
meta-parameter increment
(Set Lower Meta-Param
inc" (range 0 -> 100)
-Sets the B "maximum"
meta-parameter increment
"Minval-B inc"
(range 0 -> 100) -Sets the B
meta-parameter increment
(Set action on exceeding Param
-gives the choice for parameter A:
-Value "wraps around" to opposite limit
-Value "bounces"
back from exceeded limit
-Value "snaps" to opposite limit
"snapbounce" -Value
"snaps" to exceeded limit
-gives the choice for parameter B:
-Value "wraps around" to opposite limit
-Value "bounces" back from
exceeded limit
-Value "snaps" to opposite limit
"snapbounce" -Value "snaps"
to exceeded limit
Reset Start condition)
parameter A
to following:
-Minimum limit of Parameter
-Maximum limit of
"Min or Max" -Randomly
selects either Min or Max
"Val-B init"
parameter B
to following:
-Minimum limit of Parameter
-Maximum limit of Parameter
"Min or Max" -Randomly selects
either Min or Max
clear image or reset process)
-Removes Existing Image without
resetting process
"RESET" -Removes
Existing Image and resets process
To start Java Applet
-click on image
(To bring up process menu: right click on Java image when
Applet is running)
Use left mouse button to select menu options
Use browser navigation buttons to close or leave the process
Trevor Batten, Baclayon, 2011