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What should Computer Science students learn from
Y.C. Tay
Department of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science
National University of Singapore
There is an important difference between the title and “What Mathematics should Computer Science
students learn?” This talk addresses both questions. To do so, it brings together some examples that
illustrate the current state of computer science and information technology.
1 Prologue
The two major professional societies for computer science and information technology are Association for
Computing Machinery and IEEE Computer Society. Their answer to “What Mathematics should Computer
Science students learn?” is given in a recent document [1]. In making their recommendation, the authors
assert that “computer science students must have a certain level of mathematical sophistication”.
I take “mathematical sophistication” (or “mathematical maturity”) to mean “the ability to formalize con-
cepts, work from definitions, think rigorously, reason concisely, and construct a theory”, and this ability is
an important part of my answer to “What should Computer Science students learn from Mathematics?”
To explain my view, let me first present a survey of the current state of computer science and information
technology, by stringing together some illustrative examples. The survey is very brief, but you may still
find it rambling; if you get impatient, you can skip directly to Section 3.
Space constraint prevents me from defining some terminology and providing relevant details but, where
possible, I will provide Web addresses so you can quickly find more information. My focus is on university
students; hopefully, the points I make are also relevant to pre-university education.
2 Survey
Outside of universities, computer science is often confused with computer programming and computer
technology. I hope this section can help to clear the confusion and highlight the scientific aspects of
Let us begin with the most famous problem in computer science: “Is P

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2.1 A question on computational complexity — P vs NP
We can think of P and NP as sets of functions that are defined on nonnegative integers and take values 0
or 1. Two such functions are
is even
is odd
  Â¥!"¡§#¤$%¡§!&('0)1 2
¡ 3
 Â¢Â¡ £9¡@¦
 Â¤ Â¥!%¡ # $"¡@!
is easy. However, it is not obvious that this is so for the following two
 Â¢A§!%BDC©¡2( 2
is prime
is not prime
 FEG#IH@$IPÂ¥!Q '0)1
has a factor
such that
In a sense,
are also “easy” to compute: we can try division by all possible factors.
However, such brute-force factorization of a thousand-digit integer would take millions of years with cur-
rent technology, so factorization is hardly “easy”. (Try factoring 114381625757888867669235779976146
026879543541, which has 129 digits.) The issue raised by computer scientists is: what is the computa-
tional complexity of
? In other words, how difficult is it to compute them?
One possible definition for “easy to compute” is “membership in P” where, for any
can be
computed in a number of steps that is a polynomial in the length of
(e.g. the length of 2005 is 4). Thus
  Â¥!%¡ # $"¡§!bX
P and it was only recently proven, by three computer scientists [2], that
It was long known that
is in NP, the class of functions that can be “verified” efficiently; in the case
, this means that if
 Â¤EG#IH@$IPÂ¥!&('0)1 2
, then we can “guess” some
, and verify
efficiently that
is a factor of
. (NP stands for “nondeterministic polynomial”, and this is a hand-waving
explanation of what “nondeterministic” means.)
Although P is a subset of NP, it is not known if P is a proper subset, and the Clay Mathematical Institute
lists “Is P
NP?” as one of the seven Millennium Problems [3] (with a prize of US$1million each) — a
recognition from mathematicians that this problem from computer science is important.
2.2 Using computational complexity to secure electronic commerce
One way to understand the importance of P vs NP is to consider the impact of their difference on electronic
commerce. There is already much buying and selling, as well as information exchange among businesses,
over the Internet, a medium that is well known for its insecurity (with viruses, hacking, etc.). In this
environment, how can we transmit information securely, verify the authenticity of a message and sign
documents electronically?
The obvious way of ensuring secure transmission is to use a key (like a password) to encrypt a message
before transmission, and for the receiver to decrypt the message using the same, shared key. But how can
the receiver get the key from the sender in the first place, especially if the two have not corresponded
An ingenious solution to this problem is to use a public key cryptosystem, which replaces shared keys
with different keys for encryption and decryption. Specifically, every party
has a secret decryption key
, and publicizes (on a website, say) a corresponding encryption key
; anyone — including strangers
— can then use the public encryption key to securely send messages to
. The pair
can also be
used for authentication and signatures [4].

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2.3 Primality testing in public key generation
In the best-known public key cryptosystem [5],
is generated from two primes
. Only
, but their product
is part of the public key
Obviously, different parties
should have
. Moreover, for the system to be secure,
must be so large that it would take too long to factorize
. (Note: the factors are the secret
from which one can deduce the secret decryption key
). We therefore need the primes to be large;
unfortunately, larger integers are less likely to be prime.
Since no formula is known to generate primes, we need to be able to quickly generate large integers and
verify whether they are in fact primes; i.e. we need an efficient algorithm for computing
. Such an
algorithm was given by Agarwal et al. in their proof that
2.4 Breaking public key cryptosystems by factorization
As mentioned, one way of breaking the above public key cryptosystem is to factorize the publicly known
. We can factor
by repeatedly adjusting
and computing
  EV#IHW$IPÂ¥!&('0)G g
. It follows that, if
can be efficiently computed, then it can be used to efficiently search for a factor of
We now see the relevance of P vs NP to electronic commerce: Recall that
is in NP; if P
NP, then
can be factored efficiently, thus breaking the public key cryptosystem.
2.5 Using quantum physics to factorize integers
If P
NP, we can still break the cryptosystem if we can, somehow, factor
efficiently. I mentioned that
the brute-force way of guessing a factor
is computationally infeasible, but that is assuming we guess one
after another. If we can guess all possible factors and check them “simultaneously”, then we can factor
It turns out that such a simultaneous computation is possible with quantum physics. In quantum mechan-
ics, an observable quantity is a probabilistic combination of multiple quantum states; computation with
such quantities then becomes a simultaneous computation with the constituent states.
Indeed, Shor has shown that such quantum computation can efficiently factorize integers [6]. This has
inspired much research into building a computer that can store, add and multiply integers that are combi-
nations of multiple integers.
2.6 The fractal nature of Internet traffic
Besides security, electronic commerce depends crucially on prompt message delivery over the Internet.
Customers and businesses will not want to be part of a World Wide Wait.
Much of Internet traffic is carried by networks that are managed by telephone companies who, through
decades of engineering experience, know how to model, predict and manage voice traffic. Unfortunately,
Internet traffic does not behave like telephone calls.
Specifically, measurements have shown that Internet traffic is bursty, and remains so over several time
scales: If we divide an hour of traffic into 60 minutes and plot the traffic volume in each minute, we
will see big minute-by-minute oscillations in the traffic volume. If we divide one of those minutes into
60 seconds and plot the traffic volume in each second, we will see second-by-second bursty traffic. If

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we further divide one of those seconds into 100 ten-millisecond segments, we will again see the jumpy
variation over those 100 segments. This self-similar behavior is like the fractals on a Mandelbrot set [7]
— when we zoom in on part of the curve, we eventually see a repetition of the curve.
In contrast to voice traffic that smooths out over larger time scales, the fractal nature of Internet traffic
means that you see burstiness at all time scales (10-msecs, seconds or minutes). With smoothed-out traffic,
an engineer knows how much capacity to provide to comfortably accommodate that traffic. With bursty
traffic, however, a wide and expensive margin of error must be provided; otherwise, a burst of traffic can
cause messages to be lost, which is perceived by users as delays.
Traffic self-similarity thus poses a challenge that has stimulated much research into data traffic modeling
and control.
2.7 Playing games with Internet traffic control and pricing
Some research has shown that traffic self-similarity may be partly caused by TCP [8], the principal Internet
software that regulates traffic flow. When TCP detects network congestion, it slows down the rate at which
a user can send data packets into the Internet. This is one reason the Internet has managed to cope with the
exponential growth in Web traffic over the last decade.
Nonetheless, TCP is imperfect, and its interaction with queueing delays, packet losses, etc., can some-
times cause undesirable behavior. Internet engineers therefore continue to tweak it. Also, there is now an
inexorable growth in file sharing traffic, generated by users of peer-to-peer systems (Napster, Gnutella,
KaZaA, etc.). One download of a movie can take hours, so there is also a temptation for expert users to
hack TCP and thus get a larger share of bandwidth for their traffic.
Neither tweaking nor hacking is guaranteed to have the desired effect, since a user’s TCP connection
could be interacting with thousands of other connections, each exercising some form of control. We can
thus view the Internet as a huge game in which players try to capture bandwidth. Indeed, researchers are
using game theory to study the appropriate TCP control mechanism for ensuring that the Internet remains
efficient and stable, despite selfish user behavior.
There is in fact another game going on, with less players but real money. The Internet is divided into
smaller networks, each controlled by an ISP (Internet Service Provider). Your traffic to an European des-
tination, say, is passed from ISP to ISP along the way. When an ISP
sends traffic to ISP
for it to be
forwarded to ISP
will charge for routing the transit traffic. When there is a choice,
will want to
pick some
that minimizes
’s cost.
How much should
charge? Aside from the cost of routing the transit traffic,
’s price also depends on
strategy: It may want to charge a high price (and accept less transit traffic), or charge a low price (and
attract more traffic, but possibly causing congestion in its own network).
The price game that ISPs play can lead traffic to flow along circuitous routes, thus reducing network
efficiency and possibly causing instability. Some computer scientists are now studying pricing schemes
that balance the ISPs’ profit motive and the Internet’s performance goals.
2.8 Modeling business data with relations
The examples I have given so far involve difficult mathematics from number theory, quantum mechanics,
statistical analysis and game theory. This is not typical; more often, computer scientists build their own
theories, from scratch. Consider the data that is the basis for electronic transactions. Here is a toy example:

Page 5
QS123 Aini
88235235 B747 200 $399
Shanti 11220000 A033
16 $500
Shanti 11220000 B747 200 $211
88235235 B747 200 $188
Figure 1: The columns are, from left to right:
Flight Number, Agent, Telephone, Aircraft, Number of Seats and Airfare.
We can represent this table mathematically as
(QS123, Aini, 88235235, B747, 200, $399), (NA55, Shanti, 11220000, A033, 16, $500),
(NA11, Shanti, 11220000, B747, 200, $211), (NA11, Aini, 88235235, B747, 200, $188)
In other words, the table is just a relation, with each row represented as a tuple. An enterprise’s data can
thus be represented as a database of relations. Almost all database systems now use this representation
(including those at schools and universities for students and employees).
One reason for this dominance in database management is that the relational abstraction makes it possible
to develop a theory for databases [9]. What theory could there be for such a mathematically trivial object?
To illustrate, consider the following tables:
QS123 Aini
Shanti $500
Shanti $211
QS123 B747
Shanti 11220000
B747 200
Figure 2: Are these tables “equivalent” to the one in Figure 1? Which representation is “better”?
How do we determine whether the relation in Figure 1 is “equivalent” to the four in Figure 2? How do you
change the telephone number of an agent for each representation? In each case, how would you go about
calculating the revenue that an agent can generate from selling all seats on all the agent’s flights? As in the
case of computing
, the answers are “easy” to see; the issue is how to compute them
efficiently. Banks, for instance, routinely handle hundreds of transactions per second.
When computer scientists first considered using the relational model for databases, they found very little
theory in mathematics to fall back on. They therefore developed the theory for relational databases from
first principle.
2.9 Structuring Web documents with XML
Another case of computer scientists starting from scratch can be found in formal languages and automata
theory. One recent example of an application of this theory is in the design of XML [10].
Most businesses now have websites where they provide information for their customers and other busi-
nesses. The original language for describing webpages is HTML, but this language only specifies the
layout of the page, without specifying the meaning of what appears on the page. (For example, without
the caption in Figure 1, it would be hard for you to guess what “Aini” or “200” means.)
Increasingly, the information and data that businesses provide on their websites are now processed, not
by humans, but by programs. There are programs, for example, that search through websites to compare

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prices for products (e.g. cars) or services (e.g. airfares). The aim of XML is to structure the Web documents
with annotations, so that programs can use those annotations as guides to processing the information.
XML uses a grammar to generate “sentences” that are, in this instance, Web documents. The grammar
is constrained to make it possible for a program to process the “sentence” unambiguously and efficiently.
The theory of grammars comes from formal languages, while automata theory studies how to process
what is generated by grammars.
Although grammars and automata are mathematically defined, their theory was developed by computer
scientists. Such a theory is necessary because there is no end to the need for new languages (Fortran,
Pascal, Java, XML, etc.).
2.10 Invaluable proofs for hardware verification
The theories for relational databases and formal languages were developed like any mathematical theo-
ries, proceeding from definitions to theorems and proofs. For example, one might prove that a particular
combination of relational operators suffices to answer a given class of database queries, or that there is no
algorithm to decide whether two arbitrarily chosen grammars generate the same set of sentences.
Besides theory construction, proofs also have another role to play. One holy grail in computer science is
to have software that can verify (i.e. prove) that a given program has some desired property — that it com-
correctly, or does not contain certain bugs, etc. Software verification is far from achieving
this goal; otherwise, the operating systems on our computers would not crash, or succumb to viruses.
However, there is considerable progress in hardware verification. Hardware can have bugs too. Ten
years ago, one version of the Pentium processor had a bug that was seemingly obscure, but it cost Intel
considerable loss in revenue and damage in reputation [11].
That bug could have been detected and prevented if a verifier had first checked the processor’s implemen-
tation against its specification; the software technology for doing so already existed then. Learning from
that experience, chip manufacturers nowadays have large teams of engineers who use verification software
to check the correctness of their hardware before mass production begins.
Each verification is a proof that the gates and circuits have properties required of them. Such proofs are
long and tedious, and not meant for human comprehension. Certainly, they do not contribute to any theory.
Unlike the usual proofs in mathematics, however, these are literally worth millions of dollars.
2.11 Impossibility proofs for fault-tolerant distributed consensus
A software or hardware failure at one computer can adversely affect other computers if they are connected
into a network. Such failures can, for example, prevent them from achieving some common objective.
Consider a power blackout. Power restoration can cause a sudden surge in demand for electricity, pos-
sibly tripping another failure. The stricken generators in the power grid therefore need to power up in a
proper sequence. Rather than do this manually, why not have the computers that control the generators
communicate with each other (over the Internet, say) and agree on the power up sequence?
We can generalize the question with the following abstract model: Suppose we have a set of geographically
distributed computers that are connected to each other by a network; they exchange messages over the
network, to arrive at an agreement; they want to reach such an agreement in finite time, even if some
messages may be delayed indefinitely and some computers may fail during the message exchange. This

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agreement problem is called distributed consensus.
It has been proven that, unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee such an agreement [12], i.e. no one,
however smart, can design a message exchange that will ensure agreement under all failure scenarios. The
proof shows that every computation will have some vulnerable point, such that a single failure at that point
will hold up agreement indefinitely.
This theorem points out a fundamental limit on the ability of a distributed computation to tolerate faults.
This and other, similar results have stimulated much research into the theory for distributed computing.
2.12 The power of randomization
Fault-tolerance is a standard requirement in engineering, so computer scientists, naturally, look for ways
of circumventing the above limitation on distributed consensus. One possibility is randomization, which
is a powerful tool that computer scientists often find useful for attacking difficult problems.
In the case of distributed consensus, a computer can be prevented from making progress towards an agree-
ment because it is waiting to get enough messages to decide on the next move. If it is stuck in such a
situation, it can get out by randomly picking a move. Thus, the algorithm is no longer deterministic — it
is randomized [13].
It has been proven that, with randomization, it is possible to reach distributed consensus despite not just
one failure, but up to
failures; as tradeoff, the running time becomes random, and has no finite bound.
This example demonstrates how randomization can break a limit on computability.Randomization also has
the power to increase computational efficiency. For example, despite the recently discovered algorithm for
, the fastest primality test is a randomized algorithm that has the following property [14]:
is prime, then the algorithm will correctly output
; but if
is not prime, then the
algorithm may incorrectly output
  A§!%BDC©¡2( 2
The probability that such an error occurs can be made arbitrarily small, smaller than the probability of a
hardware error, or the probability that some cosmic particle hits the electronic circuit and changes a crucial
value during the computation. In other words, randomized primality testing is, practically speaking, as
good as deterministic.
2.13 Pseudo-random number generators and one-way functions
You may be puzzled: Are computers not deterministic? How can they make random moves? In practice,
this is done through a generator that produces a “random” number when called upon. An example is
`¦¥¨§ ©
¡ "!$#$
&%9 ('
' 1 23'
Given some initial value (say,
@ 8
), this calculation produces a sequence
`9© )G`A@F)B4B4 4
that many tests
would find is “indistinguishable” from a random sequence. Strictly speaking, however, the sequence is
not random, since it is generated deterministically by the equation. (In particular, the sequence eventually
repeats itself.) The generator is therefore called a pseudo-random number generator.
Instead of sequences of integers, we can consider binary sequences, like
4B4 4 )
@ §
@ @
§ @ @
@ § @
@ §
@ @ @ §
@ @
@ §
@ §
How can we test whether they are random? For a sequence
to be considered random, the computer
scientists’ criterion is that all efficient algorithms must fail to distinguish
from a (truly) random sequence.

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No one knows whether there exists a pseudo-number generator that satisfies this criterion. In fact, this open
question is closely related to whether P
Recall that no one has an efficient way of factorizing an integer, hence the interest in quantum factorization
(Section 2.5). On the other hand, multiplication is easy: given integers
, one can quickly compute
their product
. Multiplicationis thus a possible example of a one-way function. A one-way function
has two properties: first, for every
is easy to compute; second, for most
, it is hard to find an
such that
It has been proven that pseudo-random generators satisfying the above-mentioned indistinguishability
criterion exist if and only if one-way functions exist [15]. Also, their existence would imply P
2.14 Proofs and relativity
To prove some property (e.g. impossibility of fault-tolerant consensus) in a distributed computation, one
could let
¥ ¨£¢V
represent the state of computer
at time
; if there are
computers, then the vector
¥ ¨£¢V
C © ¨¦¢V ) C @¢¨¦¢V )B4 4B4 ) C§
¨£¢V V
represents the global state of the computation at time
. By considering
how an action (e.g. receiving a message) changes some
¥ ¨¦¢V
, one can analyze the evolution of
¥ ¨¦¢V
prove its properties.
But what is
? We are accustomed to assuming the existence of some universal time, and using it to identify
simultaneous events across space. Thus, we imagine
© ¨£¢V )B4B4B4 )
to be the simultaneous states of the
computers at universal time
. But Einstein’s relativity has told us that what is “simultaneous” for one
observer may not be so for another, that there is no universal time. Clearly, a proof should not be based on
an assumption that is known to be false!
It is not nitpicking to suggest that a proof (be it impossibility, correctness, etc.) about distributed computa-
tion should take relativity into account. There is currently a project to build an Interplanetary Internet [16],
i.e. a network that includes the computers in mission control, launchers, orbiters, landers, etc. The com-
puters in this network are traveling at very different speeds and experiencing very different gravitational
pull; the relativistic effects are therefore not negligible.
To illustrate, consider a network closer to Earth: The Global Positioning System (GPS) has 24 satellites in
orbit, sending out signals that a receiver can use to locate its terrestrial position. GPS software can now be
found in aircrafts (e.g. for navigation), on trucks (e.g. for tracking) and personal digital assistants (e.g. for
trekking). The effects of special and general relativity experienced by the satellites are so large that, if not
corrected, the increase in positioning error would exceed 10km per day! [17].
One way to factor in relativity would be to give up the Newtonian
and, instead, analyze a global state
that is
¥ ¨£¢ © )B4B4B4 )©¢
C © ¨¦¢ ©V ) 4B4B4 ) C §
, where
¢ © )B4B4 4 )©¢
are local times on the computers’ own
timelines; the “simultaneity” is then replaced by some message-induced constraint on
¢ © )B4B4B4 )©¢
¢ ©
¡ ¡
2.15 The universality of Computer Science
One defining characteristic of a mathematical proof is that it is universal —
is irrational anywhere in
the universe. Similarly, one expects that fault-tolerant distributed consensus is also impossible in another
One of the earliest impossibility proofs about computation was for the Halting Problem, which asks: Is

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there a program to compute the function
 Â¡ %#£¢V$
, where
 Â¤ %#£¢G$&¦¥
) f
¡ 3
if program
halts when run on input
Turing proved that the answer is “No”. This means that, although you can tell that certain programs will
not halt (e.g. a loop that alternately doubles and halves a number), there is no algorithm that can determine,
for all
, whether
will halt on
Many people do not consider computer science to be a science. They argue that it is about man-made
devices, rather than nature; or, they contend that it is about technology, so computer science is really
engineering. However, suppose some aliens from another galaxy were to land on Earth. Since they are
able to navigate such vast distances, I would bet that they have some kind of computing device on board.
Would their computer contain a Pentium chip? Use Microsoft Windows? Run Java programs? Surely not;
but I am confident that it cannot solve the Halting Problem.
Everyone accepts that biology is a science, yet how relevant is our biology to alien life forms? In con-
trast, the mathematical proofs in computer science point out some truths about computation that are true
throughout the universe.
2.16 The Church-Turing Law in Computer Science
But wait, there’s some magic here: How is it possible to conclude that aliens cannot compute
 Â§ I#¢G$
without knowing how they do their computation? (Indeed, Turing wrote his proof in 1936, before the
invention of modern computers.)
The magic is in the Church-Turing Thesis [19], which says that
is computable (by any means) if and only if it is computable with a Turing machine.
For our purpose, a Turing machine is a 4-tuple
) F)
, where
are finite sets,
is a transition
function from
denote “move left” and “move right”— and
[20]. What Turing proved was:
 ! I#¢G$
cannot be computed by any Turing machine. It follows from
the Church-Turing Thesis that
 ! I#£¢V$
cannot be computed by any means. But is the thesis true?
The thesis cannot be proven, for to do so requires that we first have a definition of “computable”. Many
attempts have been made to formalize the intuitive notion of computability, but all generally accepted
definitions have turned out to be equivalent to computability with a Turing machine. That led computer
scientists to believe that the thesis is true.
Theoretical computer science is full of proofs (membership proofs for P and NP, equivalence proofs, im-
possibility proofs, computability proofs, etc.), so much so that it resembles mathematics. Yet, in accepting
the Church-Turing thesis as true (without a proof!), computer scientists have clearly parted ways with
Physicists and chemists have long accepted various “Laws” (Conservation of Energy, Thermodynamics,
etc.) as true, on the basis of accumulated experimental evidence. In similar fashion, computer scientists
believe the thesis is true because various alternative models of computation have turned out to be equivalent
to the Turing machine.
For this reason, I think the thesis should be called the Church-Turing Law, as a reminder that the basis
of computability theory is closer to science than to mathematics.

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3 What Mathematics should Computer Science students learn?
The computer science community has frequent debates on how much — and what sort of — mathematics
their students need [21]. Some argue that traditional mathematics courses (linear algebra, calculus, etc.)
should be replaced by discrete mathematics; the latter is not well-defined, but usually includes logic,
probability, automata and formal languages, combinatorics and graphs.
The survey above illustrates why these topics are considered more relevant: software and hardware verifi-
cation (Section 2.10) uses logic, probability is needed for analyzing randomized algorithms (Section 2.12),
XML is a formal language (Section 2.9), one example of automata is the Turing machine (Section 2.16),
and combinatorics is extensively used in the growing area of bioinformatics. Although I used
to introduce P and NP, most of the problems that motivated the study of P vs NP (Section 2.1)
concern graphs (e.g. the famous Traveling Salesman Problem [22]).
However, it would be overstating the case to claim that linear algebra and calculus are dispensable. The
search engine Google is enormously successful partly because it uses linear algebra [23], and a student
cannot learn quantum mechanics (Section 2.5), fractals (Section 2.6), economics (Section 2.7) and relativ-
ity (Section 2.14) without knowing calculus. Even partial differential equations are necessary, if a student
is interested in computer animation [24] (think Finding Nemo [25]). And research that grew from the
study of distributed consensus (Section 2.11) has recently led to a realization that algebraic topology is a
powerful tool for such studies [26].
4 What should Computer Science students learn from Mathematics?
I am not suggesting that computer science undergraduates should learn all the mathematics mentioned in
Section 3. The average computer science student will not want to take so many courses in mathematics,
while those preparing for a research career may prefer to narrow their focus. In any case, I claim that what
they should learn from mathematics goes beyond their choice of courses.
We teach two things in a mathematics course: content and discipline. Content refers to the conjunctive
normal form, induction principle, Stirling numbers, Central Limit Theorem, Lorentz transformation, Nash
equilibrium, etc., that are explicitly taught in these courses. By discipline, I mean rigor and method.
While content varies from one course to another, the discipline remains the same.
4.1 Rigor
When teaching mathematics, we like to use examples and counter-examples to probe the students’ under-
standing of
definitions (does
axioms (does every lower-bounded set of rational numbers have a minimum element?),
theorems (does
imply gcd
?) and
proofs (does an inductive proof that any finite union of countable sets is countable also prove that their
countable union is countable?)

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(A colleague once commented that we sometimes overdo it, giving students the impression that mathe-
matics is a minefield littered with pathological examples — like everywhere continuous functions that are
nowhere differentiable — leaving them frozen, in fear of making a misstep.)
Even in well-established engineering disciplines, the students can harmlessly forget, when they graduate,
most of the content that they learnt. Similarly, for the average computer science student who graduates
to become a programmer, I believe that what matters most is not the specific content, but the rigor that is
instilled in mathematics courses.
In programming, the analogs of definitions, axioms, theorems and proofs are data structures, assumptions,
procedures and algorithms. Algorithms that are careless about the data structures they use (which is one
reason for the ubiquitous buffer overflow bugs exploited by viruses [27]) are like proofs that are careless
about definitions.
In 1996, the rocket Ariane 5 encountered a software error that caused it to self-destruct; the error arose
because Ariane 5 was using a navigation package inherited from the slower Ariane 4, whose programmers
assumed that a certain velocity would not exceed a particular value [28]. This (very expensive) mistake is
like a student using a theorem without first checking if the assumptions hold.
A student who is confused about the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions is likely to
misunderstand an “if
then” statement in a program. If students cannot write a one-page proof, how
can they digest, analyze and debug the huge programs in current systems, which often have millions of
lines of code?
I reckon most computer science students can forget all the definitions, theorems and proofs in their math-
ematics courses — it is the rigor they learned that will help their careers and last a lifetime.
4.2 Method
Besides content and rigor, a mathematics course also teaches (indirectly, by osmosis) the mathematical
method: how to formalize concepts with definitions, work with small examples to gain some intuition,
formulate conjectures to capture the intuition, build up to a theorem with useful lemmas, derive interesting
special cases as corollaries, explore the limits of the theorem with generalizations and counterexamples,
and thus construct a theory. (Recall my definition of “mathematical maturity” in the Prologue.)
For example, a first course in Algebra or Number Theory would cover the Fundamental Theorem of
Arithmetic (on the prime factorization of integers). We might motivate the theorem with the factorization
of some small integers; introduce the concept of a prime number; isolate the special cases of 0 and 1; extend
the notion of “divides” with quotient and remainder; further their understanding of primes by proving there
are infinitely many of them; confirm the intuition that if
are integers and
is a prime dividing
, then
divides either
; generalize this lemma by introducing the greatest common divisor (gcd);
illustrate the Euclidean algorithm for computing gcd; derive the corollary that gcd
` )
for some
; then, finally, inductively prove the Fundamental Theorem with the machinery. We might
then examine the uniqueness of the factorization, discuss other “factorizations” (e.g. matrices), and use
the theory to guide a study of polynomials.
We go through a similar process when proving, say, an infinite set has uncountably many subsets, or the
size of a subgroup divides the size of a group, or the dimension of a vector space equals rank
nullity, etc.
Imbibing the mathematical method is important for the computer science student who wants to do more
than just write programs, who aspires to becoming a researcher. There are areas in computer science

Page 12
that requires deep mathematics (in algorithmic analysis [29], cryptography [30], graphics [31], etc.), but
recall that large parts of computer science are developed from scratch: relational databases (Section 2.8),
formal languages (Section 2.9), software/hardware verification (Section 2.10), distributed computing (Sec-
tion 2.11), automata theory (Section 2.16).
Unlike mathematics and the natural sciences, which (arguably) aim to discover some unchanging truth,
computer science is driven by technology. Its researchers have a constant need to develop new theories for
understanding nascent technologies, and lay the groundwork for inventing future ones.
The contribution of Mathematics in this endeavor is to play the role of a tutor, bestowing on the computer
science student a method honed through the centuries since Euclid.
5 Epilogue: P vs NP – a question of mathematical modeling?
Among all that a computer science student learns from mathematics, I believe the training that is of par-
ticular importance to the researcher is the ability to craft an appropriate model. Consider: The relational
model for data is the basis for a billion-dollar industry, the model of time lies at the heart of the impossi-
bility proof for fault-tolerant distributed consensus, and the Turing model has the robustness enshrined in
the Church-Turing Law that gives us confidence in plotting the limits of computability.
Modeling is a nontrivial exercise. Cryptographic algorithms may be provably secure, yet indirect attacks
can break into the systems that contain them; this calls into question accepted models of cryptographic
security [32]. Similarly, Willinger (one of the discoverers of traffic self-similarity) recently criticized cur-
rent models of fractal traffic and Internet topology [33]. In database management, Codd’s formulation of
the relational model was motivated by the undesirable properties inherent in the hierarchical and network
data models used by the industry then; it is not clear that one can get a comparatively clean data model for
XML, given that it appears to be a regression to the structural models of pre-relation days [34].
Mathematics has modeling difficulties too, although these are usually hidden from students, who see only
a polished version of mathematics. It took mathematicians some 2000 years, from Archimedes to Cauchy,
to model the notion of a limit [35]. Some great mathematicians did not believe in negative numbers, and
Descartes dismissed complex numbers as imaginary [36]. The ambitious attempt by Hilbert to model
mathematics itself ended in failure [37].
Recently, there was a poll that asked computer scientists whether they believed P
NP [38]. My own view
is that the difficulty in resolving the question may lie in the complexity model.
“Is P
NP?” is but one of very many such open questions in computer science: “Is NP
co-NP?”, “Is
PSPACE?”, etc. This reminds me of a similar situation in the 1950s, when
physicists were struggling to explain the proliferation of subatomic particles. That confusion was resolved
through the theory of quarks [39]. P, NP, co-NP, PSPACE, etc. are part of the complexity zoo [40], which
now has more animals than the particle zoo [41], with no clarifying theory in sight.
The techniques in complexity theory (reductions, diagonalization, relativization, padding, etc.) are mod-
eled after those in mathematical logic (specifically, recursion theory [42]). Perhaps, we are waiting for
someone to formulate a new complexity model and develop a different theory that will, in one fell swoop,
resolve many of the questions, including “Do one-way functions exist?” (Section 2.13).
If I could ask the visiting aliens (mentioned in Section 2.15), “Is P
NP?”, their answer might be: “No, but

Page 13
that’s not the way to formulate the question, dude!”
Many thanks to Helmer Aslaksen, Y.K. Leong, Peter Pang, Wei-Lung Wang and Hoeteck Wee for their
helpful comments on the draft.
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