Mappings and Interactions:

-Dynamic Systems of Interaction:
-Systems of Interaction that Evolve: (Natural Prototyping)

    -Evolution and the Creative Process (Meta-morphology)
           (As things grow, they change the conditions in their environments -and so the (organisation) of these environments amy also need to be changed (if this does not happen  automatically))
           (is this why embrios mutate while developing?)
           (interactive dialectic dialogue between: )
           (empirical data and conceptual model  (the conivergent scientific meathod))
           (form and content (the divergent artistic meathod))
           (social partners (the multi-dimensional ballenced political meathod))
           (individual desires (the multi-dimensional ballenced psychological model))
           (conceptual models (the multi-dimensional ballenced philosophical model))
              (convergent, divergent, equilibrium)
              (constant, cyclic, explosive, implosive or chaotic)
              (dialectical or multi-dimensional)
      -Ecologies of Interaction
         (collabourative and competitive systems)
         (interactions between various aims, viewpoints, interests and positions of power)
         (cultural and class systems)
         ("Power" and the game of "convict's choice")
         (The Creative Paradox: One must act within the "limits"of the system, be corrected -punished or expelled)
         (How can one "expand" the system?)
  -Visible and Invisible Conceptual maps
         (the index page does not reflect the internal structure of the way these files have been developed and stored)
         (Historical time-line is different to the Logical Classification -the former is fixed but the latter can be changed)

       ("Dimensions" of change -static, dynamic, evolving -defining the domain of change)
  -"spirituality", "conciousness" and "intelligence" -including the relationships between them
       ("conciousness" and "intelligence both seem based on "labels")
       (-for example, a colour can be represented by its RGB values and can be processed eaaily)
       (however, a colour can also be labled "green" -which cannot be processed unless "green" is defined and translated)
       (so "green"is a more complex "semantic" space)
       (similarly with "identity" -an unlabeled object cannot be distinguished from others -iether internally or externally)

Trevor Batten
Manila, July/September 2006