History of Computer Operating Systems -Links:

History of operating systems

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The history of computer operating systems recapitulates to a degree, the recent history of computing.

Operating systems (OS) provide a set of functions needed and used by most application-programs on a computer, and the necessary linkages for the control and sychronization of the computer's hardware. On the first computers, without an operating system, every program needed the full hardware specification to run correctly and perform standard tasks, and its own drivers for peripheral devices like printers and card-readers. The growing complexity of hardware and application-programs eventually made operating systems a necessity.


Operating systems
Software engineering
Programming languages

Graphical user interface
World Wide Web
Computer and video games

Timeline of computing


Open Directory - Computers: Software: Operating Systems: History
Operating Systems History - A Brief History of Computer Operating Systems from the mid 1950s on. Operating Systems Through Time (8-bits) - A brief history ...
dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/History/ - 7k -

Welcome to OS History <http://www.oshistory.net/metadot/index.pl>

Have you ever wondered about how Operating Systems have changed over the years. Lots of modern operating systems (OS) are a lot older than you would think. Some modern operating systems having roots going as far back as the early 1960's. To help show this I have been working on a timeline showing how they have evolved and what some of the influences between operating systems have been.

This site is is dedicated to finding and documenting the entire history of computer operating systems. A lot of the earlist operating systems were not properly documented at the time because computers and operating systems were new and things were just evolving.

The inital few versions of the OS Timeline were my personal efforts and research but I feel now it is time to invite the internet community join in and help. Computer power has increased massively over last 50 years whilst the physical size has shunk but with this the speed of evolution has also increased. This makes documenting the ever increasing numbers and versions very difficult.

I am currently in the process of cross referencing the listing of operating systems based on my timeline diagram and splitting out the information I have into the families of related operating systems.

Version History
Current News
Digital Research
Multics and Unix
Data General
Other OSes
Embedded Systems

  Computers > Software > Operating Systems > History    

Linux (11)
Mac OS (11)
Microsoft Windows (1)
Unix (23)
Related Category:
    Computers > History  (366)

Web Pages
Viewing in Google PageRank order               View in alphabetical order
  In the Beginning was the Command Line http://www.cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html
A history of operating systems, by Neal Stephenson.
  OldOs.org http://www.oldos.org
A source for utilities, history, and everything you need to get your old computer up and running, either in emulation or in real life.
  Operating Systems Through Time (8-bits) http://www.armory.com/~spectre/tech.html
A brief history of 8-bit operating systems.
  History of the AmigaOS GUI http://www.gregdonner.org/workbench/
Dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the Amiga Workbench's history.
  Operating Systems History http://www.cs.gordon.edu/courses/cs322/lectures/history.html
A Brief History of Computer Operating Systems from the mid 1950s on.
  Easysoft http://in.geocities.com/easysoft2002/
Operating systems are defined here. All type of operating systems like windows,unix,linux,debian are defined here.open bsd as well as bsd is described here