Concerning the (potentual) role of the Computer in Art:

-Art and computers
           -General remarks with regard to Historical/Theoretical contexts
               -Industrial archeology -invention and innovation (the conditions and the consequences)
                   -Historical Context  for Art 
                   -Historical context for Computing    
                                      -(artistic/cognitive/cultural) Computing metasphors
                                             -Escher, Goedel Bach
                                                      -printmaking (layered hierarchies)
                                                      -puppetry       (connectivity)
                                                      -painting         (exploring the image)
                                                      -weaving        (rule-based image construction)
                   -Historical context for "Computer Art" 
                  -Non-Historical Theoretical  Context for "Computer Art"?
                                -Conceptual Models
                                -Practical Experiments
                                       -Amiga Programmes
                                       -Java Programmes

                  Theoretical Context for non-computational Art:
                                            (local and universal?)