Trevor Batten:


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(artistic statement)

The artist's work is concerned with the exploration of the concept of art as a (semi-) formal system and the practical and theoretical implications of using a formal machine (in the form of a computer) to develop and produce art.

It is believed that the need to predefine all operations a computer is ever expected to perform during the execution of a programme -or to predefine how the computer can subsequently generate its own reactions -makes the computer an ideal medium for ontological/epistemological research.

The ability to simulate sytems that do not physically exist -makes the computer an ideal medium for the exploration of imaginary spaces.

Computer programming does not involve the conceptualisation of material -but the materiallation of concept -which is the traditional task of art.

Because the post-Ruskin romantic cultural literati generally have an intense fear, and lack of understanding of, technical issues -and have therefore mistakenly assumed that the computer is a technical system instead of primarily being a linguistic system -the role of the computer has been dangerously misunderstood in  contemporary society.

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(activities 1990-2004)

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