LynSyS -Internal Structure:

Internal Structure:

Diagramme of Java
        Programme Internal processes

Main Components:

Diagramme of basic
        parameters in Java programme "LinSyS"

Diagramme of
        systems of movement in Java Programme "LinSyS"

Diagramme of Glyph
        types in Java programme "LinSyS"



Parametrification involves abstraction and organisation in terms of parameters (dimensions in a concpetual space)


Angle and Radius are two entirely separate variables -with a different metric for each: One is measured in "radians" and the other is measured in number of pixels. However, both of these can be given a similar numerical representation.

Normally, angular measurements are small and fractional (there are approx 6.28 radians in a 360 degree circle.) So, to equalise the units used -one could use degrees and convert to radians -or one could scale the radians (x 100) to create an integer representation, which is rescaled when actual calculations are done.

On the other hand, one could represent both angular information (in radians) and radial length both as fractional (real) numbers.

When the two quantities are both measured in compatible units -<Radius> and <Angle> then become two dimensions of a single conceptual space -and can be manipulated on equal terms by comparable (if not identical) processes.


The Menu reflects the conceptual structure,

Both the headings and the possible choices  within each section represent the parameters and (parametric) values which comprise the  conceptual (control) space.


Basic Interface System:

Diagramme of basic
        Batten Programme Structure

The Basic Interface System is common to all current and recent Java programmes by the author.

It provides a standard method for setting up the menu and making the user input accessible to the processes involved. It also provides a buffered image which can be both read from and written into by any of the specific (parallel) processes which are launched by the Basic Interface System.

Visual Link to Notes on LinSys


        Trevor Batten  2012   email: trevor AT


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