Tropical Heritage Garden Diary:

January 2022:

Images of recued piglets on tropical balcony after typhoon

January  01 - 13:

Typhoon  Rai
Visual link to Typhoon Rai

Beans' Third Farrowing
Visual link to Beans' Third Farrowing

January  14:

Tree Cuttings Transplanted

Images of tree currings transplanted in tropical backyard
        after typhoon Rai

Espada, Sweet Corn, Squash and California Wonder Seeds Potted

Images of various seeds potted in tropical backyard after
        typhoon Rai

Beans Still Exhausted but Piglets are Now Safer

Images of exhausted sow after
        typhoon Rai and her rescued piglets on tropical balcony

January  15:

A Small Harvest of Native String Beans

Imagesof a small harvest of native string beans from
        tropical backyard after typhoon Rai

Bataw (Beans) Transplanted in Various Places

Images of Beans transplanted in tropical backyard after
        typhoon Rai

Sow Beans is Still Unwell

Images of exhausted sow weeks after giving birth after
        typhoon Rai

Her Piglets Seem Happy Without Her

Images of rescued piglets on tropical balcony after typhoon

Some Newborn Chicks

Images of newly born chicks in tropical backyard after
        typhoon Rai

A Small Harvest of Mustard Leaves -Roots are cut off and replanted

Images of mustard plants in tropical backyard

New Chili Seedlings Watered

Images of seedlings in tropical backyard being watered

A Short Siesta

Images of relaxing on tropical balcony

Balingbing and Coffee Trees Trimmed and Fed to Pigs

Images of tree timmed in tropical backyard and fed to pigs

Southern Path Cleared of Remaining Typhoon Debris

Images of debris from typhoon Rai cleared

January  16:

Beans Slowly Recovering from the Farrowing

Images of tropical bgackyard sow recovereing from stress of
        farrowing and typhoon Rai

Two Trees near Southern Pig Pen Trimmed to Make Them Straighter

Images of trees trimmed in tropical
            backyard after typhoon Rai

With Unreliable Tap Water
  We Are Running Short of Water for Plants and Animals
as well as Ourselves

Imnages of water shortage in tropical home after typhoon

January  17:

String Beans Planted in Some Southern Areas

Images of string beans planted in
        tropical backyard after typhoon Rai

Patola (Luffa) and Red tipped string bean transplanted

Images of seedlings
            transplanted in tropical backyard

Hot and Thirsty Pigs Given Lunchtime Drink

Images of tropical backyard pigs being watered on a hot

Sow Beans is Gradually Improving

Images of tropical backyard sow recovering from exhaustion
        after farrowiung and typhoon Rai

The Water Situation is Starting to Get Critical
The Sky is Overcast -but still no Rain

Images of water shortage in tropical home aftert typhoon

End of Second Week for Piglets

January  18:

Piglets taking Over the House

Images of priglets rescued after typhoon Rai in tropical

Failed Trip to Panglao for Immigration Formalities -No electricity for them either

Images of a failed trip to Immigration in Panglao
                -no electricity after typhoon Rai in December

Lunch in Panglao and Shopping in Tagbilaran

Images of lunch
        on Panglao Island

More Drinking Water Stations Now Open -We leave a Bottle for Refill

Images of water fillinbg station fimnally open after
            typhoon Rai hit in December

  Again Penny Fetches Tap Water from a Neighbour

Images of
            woman carrying water after typhoon Rai

We Have Bought a Ball for the Piglets To Play With -To stop Belly-Nosing

Images of
        rescued piglets on tropical balcony

Tomato Transplanted in Southern Garden

Images of tomato plants transplanted in Tropical
            backyard after typhoon Rai

January  19:

Rain in the Night -Washing Water?

Images of rain water collected in
        tropical backyard after typhoon Rai

Piglet Diarrhea Still Present
 but lump on the head seems to be getting smaller
Piglets Now Very Hungry and Active

Images of rescued piglets on tropical balcony after typhoon

Sow Beans Might Be in Heat -More Active Today

Images of tropical backyard sow after farrowing just after
        typhoon Rai

Penny Ties Up Fallen Electricity Wires
We Wait for A Visitor with Relief Goods
and Chat to the Neighbours

Images of waiting for a visitor outside tropical home

The Help Goods Arrive -With A Message

Images of typhoon Rai relief goods
        being delivered

The Red Cross is also Delivering Water -and a Message

Images of Red Cross delivering water in january as relief
        from typhoon Rai in December

Seeds now Sprouting after Rain
Pepper Seedlings and Eggplant Transplanted
with More Seeds Potted

Images of seeds and seedlings in
        tropical backyard after typhoon Rai

January  20:

Sow Beans Still Under the Weather
but seems to be more active in the evenings
When it's Cooler

Images of exhausted tropical backyard sow

The Two Sick Piglets Seem To Be Improving
but still some diarrhea
The Antibiotic Treatment Continues

Images of tropical backyard piglets
            rescued after typhoon Rai

Some More Paths Cleared of Debris and Used for Compost

Images of
            tropical backyard path cleared of debris after typhoon Rai

Kangkong, squash, Sweet Corn and Okra sown in Garden Patch
Mustard greens collected for lunch -the roots cut off and replanted

Images of seeds planted in
              tropical backyard after typhoon Rai

Images of mustard from tropical
          backyard garden

A Neighbour Collects Medicinal Plants From Our Garden

Images of
        people collecting medicinal plants from a tropical backyard

Various Sweet Peppers Types
 (Yolo wonder, Smooth Cayenne and Espada -from 2020)
 Are Potted

Images of
            seeds potted in tropical backyard after typhoon Rai

The Fallen Bread Fruit Tree is Tied Up -To Make it Straighter
The Hog Plum Tree Trimmed and Replanted as Cuttings

Images of trees treated after being
              damaged by typhoon Rai

January  21:

We go to Tagbilaran for Lunch and Shopping

Images of lunch in Chido after
            typhoon Rai

Images of shopping in Tagbilaran
            after typhoon Rai

Then A Lazy Afternoon
Against the background sounds of several chainsaws clearing up the aftermath

Images of a lazy afternoon on a trop[ical balcony after
        typhoon Rai

While Our Neighbour Brings Us More Tap Water

Images of man pouring water after typhoon Rai

But Beans is Becoming More Active

Images of tropical backyard sow
            recovering from exhaustion after typhoon Rai

End of Third Week for Piglets

January  22:

Feeling Slightly Unwell -but No Fever

Images of sick man after typhoon Rai

January  23:

Suffering from Nasty Head-cold and Sore Throat

Images of being ill in tropical home after typhoon Rai

The Tap Water Starts to Return

January  24:

I'm Starting to Recover
The piglet with diarrhea is now better -but Vomiting

We Still Rely on Solar for Light in the Evenings

Images of
            charging solar devices in tropical home after typhoon Rai

January  25:

Lots of Rain in the Night and In the Morning
Our non-drinking reserves are replenished

Images of
            rain in tropical home. Allowing water reservesto be
            replenished after typhoon Rai

My Sore throat is almost gone
But I Feel Tired and Battered
 -with a bit of a dry cough

Fatima is Coping Very Well
 -but is also getting exhausted

She Goes Shopping for Fresh Food and I Cook Soup

Images of
            woman going shopping and man cooking soup in tropical home
            after typhoon Rai

Fatima has given the piglets some real earth to dig around in
 -and they are very happy with it

Giving the Piglets some Vinegar Water has also Helped Their Stomachs

Images of
            rescued pigleys on tropical balcony after typhoon Rai

Garden vegetables collected for the lunchtime soup
Mustard roots cut off and replanted
Ripe Native Sitao Beans Collected for Planting Later
Five Squash Plants Transplanted and Replaced by New Seeds
The Breadfruit Tree was Straightened up Some More by Tightening the String

Images of
            tropical backyard garden crops after typhoon Rai

Fatima Brings Home More Water

Images of
            tricycle driver delivering water to tropical home several
            weeks after typhoon Rai

January  26:

A Sunny Day
Good for Doing the Washing

Images of
            woman doing the washing in a tropical house

My computer is dismantled and packed up
 -ready to be transported during my expected trip out
 on Friday

            of computer packed up ready to be taken out to a cafe with
            electricity after typhoon Rai

The Piglets are Very Active Today

Images of
            piglets on tropical balcony rescued after typhoon Rai

Condor Cucumber "76" Potted
Chaism and Kailan Potted

Images of seeds potted in tropical
              backyard after typhoon Rai

January  27:

I Am Slowly Returning to Health
my illness
The Piglets Are  Improving Too
 Although Some Still Have Diarrhea

              of rescued piglets on a tropical balcony

Sow Beans Looks Somewhat Battered and Dazed
-but is also getting better

Images of
            exhausted tropical backyard sow recovering after typhoon

Mulberry bushes in South West garden trimmed
 -and transplanted as cuttings around the area

Seed Cocktail (including Sweet Corn)
 Planted Behind the Maternity Pig Pen

Ginger Too

Images of
            cuttings and seeds planted in tropical backyard after
            typhoon Rai

January  28:

Images of wild bird in tropical house after typhoon Rai

Penny Has A Fever and Cannot Work Today
 Our Planned Shopping (and Internet) Trip Has Been Canceled
A Wild Bird Visits Our House
-but leaves later

Images of water supply problems in tropical home after
        typhoon Rai several weeks earlier

Tap Water Supply Remains Intermittent and Weak
Reservoir Water Used for Washing

Images of work in tropical garden after typhoon Rai

Native Sitao Planted (with Alubati) in Selected Areas
Some Seedlings Transplanted and Watered

Images of woman selling fish door to door in tropical home

A Neighbour Sells Us Fish

Images of tropical backyard sow
        and piglets one month after farrowing

Both Sow and Piglets are Getting Stronger

-End of Fourth Week for piglets;

January  29:

Image of soup from tropical garden vegetables after typhoon

Fatima Has A Fever
Soup from Garden Vegetables
Dinner Ordered in from Chido in Tagbilaran

Images of
            newly bought solar lamps charging in tropica;l home after
            typhoon Rai

Newly Delivered Solar Lamps Charging

Images of
            pig pens and piglets in tropical backyard

Pigs Watered and Buckets Filled
Piglets Now Fed Every Three Hours

January  30:

Images of a shopping trip toTagbilaran after typhoon Rai

I Go Out Shopping for Medicines and Food

Images of eggplant seedlings in tropical backyard

  Some Eggplant Seedlings Transplanted

Images of
            tropical sunset

January  31:

Images of home delivered lunch from Chido in Tagbilaran

More Eggplant seedlings Repotted
Pigs Watered
Lunch ordered in from Chido in Tagbilaran

Images of
            rain in tropical backyard

Rain at Last

Garden Diary



The Garden and the Diary -Between Control and Uncontrol:

Country Life
Project Land
Project Home Farm

Trevor Batten
 <trevor at tebatt dot net>
 Baclayon 2022