Preparing for the Next One (Hagupit?):

Hagupit - Tropical Depression 22W

Images of coconut trees nearneighbour's

The damage caused by 27 November storm "Queenie" led us to take the even greater threat posed by  Hagupit very seriously. Once again we had to remove trees that were threatening either our house -or two of our neighbours' houses.

02 December:


Images of Coconut trees before

Trimming before Felling

Images of Coconut tree tops being trimmed before

Trimming means Debris

Images of trimming tree and resulting debris

...and More Work with more Debris

Images of man trimming coconut tree plus debris

03 December:


Images of coconut tree having top
Tree shortened to limit damage when felled

The Team gets Organized

Images of the team preparing the next step in felling

Tie.. Cut.. Pull.. Down!

Images of coconut tree stump being felled

Number Two Down

Images of coconut tree being felled

Three Down.....

Images of coconut tree being felled

..... and finally number Four

Images of coconut tree being felled


Images of four felled coconut trees

Skilled Work!

Images of felled coconut trees near wooden house

So much work to do for the team that cleaning up has to be left until Tuesday 9 December. After the danger has hopefully passed without further incident.

Cleaning Up
Hagupit - Tropical Depression 22W
2013 November Typhoon
Typhoon Haiyan -One Year After

Garden Diary
2013 index

Project Land

Trevor Batten
 <trevor at tebatt dot net>
 Baclayon 2014