Tamsi Rescued:

Image of the cat that caught the bird

              June 24, 2017

Images of small tropical bird rescued
        from cat

Images of Philippine Tamsi rescued from cat

Images of smll Philippine bird rscued from cat

Images of Philippine Tamsi rescued from cat

Last night, Fatima caught the cat with a small bird. It was a "Tamsi" which is a kind of Philippine native humming bird  -and its smallest bird. We rescued it from CD's mouth -and Fatima put it in a drawer for protection . Later she heard it rustling around in there -so she opened the drawer and it flew off to the rafters. This morning she heard twittering and looked in the water reservoir outside our house. It had apparently fallen onto some water plants -and was alive but unable to get out. So Fatima put it in our (new) external kitchen....

By 11 am it seems to be moving slowly towards the door. Flapping its wings occasionally -but not flying.....

Around 12 noon, Fatima put it up on a vegetable climbing trellis in Penny's patch.

By 2.30 the bird was still sitting in the same place.

By 4 PM Fatima says it had disappeared.

Garden Diary

Country Life
Project Land
Project Home Farm

Trevor Batten
 <trevor at tebatt dot net>
 Baclayon 2017