Some Notes on Nodal Space:

Visual link to Java


To start Java Applet -click on icon
(To bring up process menu: right click on Java image  when Applet is running)
Use left mouse button to select menu options
Use browser navigation buttons to close or leave the process window


Visual lnk to Java
          programme Visual link to java programme

Programme Notes:

Nodal Space generates sets of simple number series -by adding a number of dots (representing divisions of the line) on  each side of a (variable) polygon.

This basic process can be represented in various ways: As (connected or unconnected) dot patterns, or as (connected or unconnected) dimensional coordinates  -As closed (polygon) figures or as strings of numbers.

The connections can also be analyzed in terms of various subsets: (corners, sides, etc.)  and different rules may be used to generate them.

The mathematical progressions are a function of the shape (number of sides) and the increase in divisions on each side.

The representations are perhaps arbitrary.

          link to Java programme

The menu options:

(when programme is running, right mouse click on the image area to make the control panel visible)
    (Set Function type)
         "Draw Figs"                                   -Draws the basic figure
        "Draw Dots"                                  -Draws the basic dot pattern  
        "Count Corners"
-Counts the point at each corner of the basic figure
        "Draw Corners"                             -Draws the corner connections
        "Draw MidPoints"                          -Draws the middle point on each side
        "join Corners and Midpoints"       -Draws corner and middle connections
        "Draw Lines 1"                              -Draws side connections (rules 1 and 2)
        "Draw Lines 2"                              -Draws side connections (rule 2)
        "Draw Lines 3"                              -Draws side connections (modified rule)
        "Draw Lines 4"                              -Draws side connections (rule 2 and corners)
        "2 Dimensions"                             -Draws figure with labeled 2-Dimensional nodes (radius, side)
        "3 Dimensions"                             -Draws figure with labeled 3-Dimensional nodes (radius, side, position)
       "Dimensional Lines"                     -Draws 3-D nodes and all connections
        "1 Dimensional Mapping"             -Maps 3-D nodes onto 1-Dimensional Lines
        "Error 1"                                              -An erroneous connection process

(Set Dimensions for figures)
  -Number of sides of the basic figure
   -Number of repetitions of basic figure
  -Size of increment between repetitions
                                       -Number of dots added on each side with each repetition

     (clear image or reset process)
"Clear"       -Removes Existing Image without resetting process
"RESET"    -Removes Existing Image and resets process

Visual link to Java


To start Java Applet -click on icon
(To bring up process menu: right click on Java image  when Applet is running)
Use left mouse button to select menu options
Use browser navigation buttons to close or leave the process window


Trevor Batten, Baclayon, 2015

Space for Change
Klee index
