PROJECT KLEE: The Thinking Space

-Visual Studies in Computational Space and Time

click on relevant image to link to notes or Java programmes

0.  Introductory texts

I.  The Calculating Number

             Parametrical Space:

Visual link to
            "Data Sp[ace"

 Exploring the material consequences of movement and change in relation to the Character and Texture of various conceptual Spaces

   Project Number

Visual Link to "Project Number" web

The geometry and Topology of Numerical Space:

    II.  The Articulated Visual Space

            (The Dynamic, Image creating, Space generating, Point)

Points, Lines, Planes and Vectors: Exploring the visual nature of Data, Glyph, Locations and change

    III. The Sensory Brain

            (Processing Space)

The Aesthetic Equilibria of Dynamic Forces: Exploring the effects of Interaction and feedback

    IV.  The Meaningful Relationship

            (Interpreting Space)

Representational Models, Ontology and Taxonomy -Exploring the definition and interpretation of Similarity and Difference, the creation and development of language and meaning


Expanding and Exploring useful concepts within the context of the project

click on relevant image to link to notes or Java programmes

Trevor Batten
Baclayon 2011