Tropical Heritage Garden Diary:

March 2017:

Image of Patola growing in tropical

March  01:

Mother enjoys the Sun and the Kids enjoy the Shade

Images of tropical backyard goat with

Cacao and Pomello seedlings both doing well -but Ashitaba not at all

Images of tree seedlings in tropical backyard

Cow-peas doing well too

Images of cowpeas growing in tropical backyard

With one Squash almost ready.... Another growing -and some Seeds for the next generation

Images of squash growing in tropical backyard

March  02:

The last of the last batch of Piglets are sold -leaving one for us

Images of tropical backyard piglets
        being collected by new owners

March  04:

Visual link to webpage "No.One serves the
No.One's Service to the Community

Boar Brownie escapes -and after a showdown with Boar Pinkie is put in No.One's old pen

Images of escaped boar in tropical

But the two Neighbour get on so well, They get moved in Together

Images of two pigs in neighboring pens

Images of two pigs sharing a tropical backyard pen

Squash Harvested

Images of harvested Sqash

The Goats enjoy Breakfast and the Kids enjoy the Sun

Images of goats and kids in tropical backyard

and the Ducklings take a trip too

Images of ducklings in a tropical backyard

Hens, Rooster and Ducks all enjoy the sun

Images of chickens and ducks enjoying the sun

before Bed Time

Images of goats being tied up forthe night under
        tropical house

March  05

Pork for Lunch

Images of preparing lunch in a
        tropical house

Pork for Later

Images of cooking in a tropical
        backyard kitchen

..and No.One Sausage for Much Later

Images of tropical backyard sausage

Images of tropical backyard sausage making

Penny brings her goat for servicing by Latte

Images of goats in forerplay

Mother Hen takes Chicks for a walk

Images of chicks in a tropical backyard

Ducklings visit the Piglet

Images of ducklings in Piglet pen

Young Beans, Squash, Sorghum and Alugbati maturing

Images of vegetable growing in tropical garden

March  06:

The Two Brownies seem happy together

Images of two pigs sharing a tropical backyard pen

Repairing the Pig pens

Images of repairsto tropical backyard pig pen

Images of repairs to tropical backyard pig pen

The  Visitors Arrive and the Feast Begins

Images of a small feast in a tropical house

Images of a small feast in a tropical

going on until quite late

Images of end of a small feast in a tropical house

March  07:

Signing the Contract for the New Roof

Images of contract being signed

Cooking the Dinner and Smoking the Sausage

Images of cooking dinnr and smoking sausages on a
        tropical balcony

An necessary watering of the garden

Images of tropical rain

March  09:

No.Three moved to No.One's old pen

Images of pig pens before and after
        moving the pig

but After a Fight with the Neighbours -she is moved back again

Images of pig tropical backyard pens before and after
        moving a pig

March  10:

Accident in the Pig Pen

Images of hand wounded in Pig pen

March  11:

Preparing for roof replacement

Images of preparing house for roof replacement

March  12:

Boar Brownie is sold off

IMages of tropical backyard boar being
        transparted to new owner

Visual link to web page in memory of Boar Brownie

March  13:

Final Preparations before Removing the Roof

Images of preparations before house gets a new roof

March  14:

Work Stars on Demolishing the Roof

Images of work starting on demolishing
        nipa roof

Pomelo Seedlings Planted

Imags of Pomelo seedlings planted in tropical backyard

Cacao Seedlings Planted

Images of Cacao seedlings planted in tropical backyard

March  15:

Hand almost Healed

Images of healing hand

Eggs and Mushrooms from Garden

IMages of eggs and mushrooms from
        tropical backyard

March  19:

Three new Squash on the way

IMages of squash growing in tropical
        backyard garden

Three ducks with varying numbers of surviving ducklings

Images of tropical backyard ducks with ducklings

Several Chickens of Various Ages -Some free

Images of tropical backyard chickens
        and chicks

and Some in cages

Images of tropical backyard chickens
        in coops

March  21:

New hand-made Wardrobe delivered Yesterday Evening

Images of hand made woven plastic

Radish seeds growing on Balcony

Images of radish seeds growing on tropical balcony

March  27:

The Wood for the Roof arrives at last

Images of wood arriving for
        construction in tropical backyard

and Work starts on Replacing the Roof

Images of men working on repalcing the roof of a
        tropical house

March  28:

Rain in the Night and in the Afternoon

Images of early morning after tropical
        night rain

....but work Continues on Demolishing the Roof

Images of workmen replacing roof of tropical house

March  29:

Images of tropical house roof being

Images of tropical rain

Images of Workmen putting up tarpaulin against rain whle
        changing the roof of a tropical house

March  30:

Images of tropical rain

Imags of workmen sawing wood in a
        tropical garden

March  31:

Images of men working to chang the
        roof of a tropical house

Images of tropical house roof being replaced

Garden Diary



Project Land
Project Home Farm

Trevor Batten
 <trevor at tebatt dot net>
 Baclayon 2017